Your Gift Has Impact!
From Homeless to Homeowner
See how God used HIS Radio and faith transformed one man's life.This is Greg's inspiring journey towards sobriety and independence.
Finding Hope Against the Odds: Andrew's Story
Discover how a stranger's story on His Radio inspired hope and faith in Andrew.
Donna's Inspiring Transformation
Donna was once caught up in the world of addiction, living on the streets. But when she made up her mind to quit and live clean, it wasn't all roses. She's got His Radio playing all day, every day, and it's really making a difference. Discover how HIS Radio became her soundtrack to a new life.
From Despair to Deliverance: A Beacon of Hope through a billboard
See how Christy turned her life around, thanks to a billboard and the station's uplifting message.
When I came home from incarceration... your station helped change my life.
Leah's journey from incarceration to a healed heart, thanks to what she heard on HIS Radio.
Jessica didn't think she was going to make it
I had days when it is a horrific day and I don’t think I can make it. I can actually turn on HIS radio and it has never failed. I’ve always heard that and I thought they’re crazy.
Finding Hope in the Midst of Loss
Learn how HIS Radio played a key role in their journey of resilience and healing after a tragic loss.
Right song on at the right time for a woman going through a divorce
It is like a friend that is always there. I don't know how you all do it. But, the perfect song comes on at the perfect time.