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Anno Domini/ The Story of Stephen Start Date: June 26,2020 Event End Date: Oct 24, 2020 Events Location: NarroWay Productions, 3327 Hwy.51 N., Fort Mill, SC 29715 Event Details: See the World Premier of Anno Domini from June 26th- October 24th at NarroWay, The Broadway of Christian Entertainment. Fun for the entire family and a great group event, with original dinner shows just outside of Charlotte, North Carolina. Every weekend (on Friday and Saturday), find captivating story lines, outstanding talent and delicious dinners themed like the show. Anno Domini- The story of Stephen and the apostles - cowards become champions. Flawed mortals become valiant martyrs. And the faith that revolutionized a world is born. Live the story of Stephen and the apostles. Experience the rousing power of Anno Domini: The Year of Our Lord!