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Wellness At LivingWell Integrative Healthcare it is our mission to help you to live in a state of optimal health. We feel this goal is best achieved through a careful and highly individualized program of nutritional and lifestyle counseling coupled with the science of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement. We specialize in the restoration of youthful levels of natural hormones and helping you integrate lifestyle improvements that will bring about a noticeable change in the way you look and feel. What is Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement? As we age, our natural hormone levels decrease leading to significant health issues. Restoring hormone levels can reverse many of the effects of aging. Bio-Identical hormones have the same chemical structure as those made by the human body. Using Bio-Identical hormones safely restores health and vitality while avoiding many of the dangerous side-effects associated with commercially manufactured pharmaceuticals. Through careful analysis and cutting edge testing we are able to identify where you are hormone deficient and develop a treatment plan that best fits your goals and lifestyle. Why Adrenals and Thyroid? Shortly after opening LivingWell in 2006, we realized that the body cannot be fully restored to balance without addressing all the major endocrine systems in our body. All of these systems intertwine like a well conducted orchestra. It's beautifully harmonic when played together skillfully, but sounds horrible when even one small section is out of balance. That is what happens in our body. The adrenal glands, that make the much needed hormone cortisol, can get over stimulated from acute stress, or fatigued from chronic stress. This imbalance of cortisol can effect thyroid conversion and/or “sex” hormone balance. Thyroid hormone controls every cell in our body, so we want optimal conversion, however, low or imbalanced “sex” hormones can also throw off this process. That's why it's so important to address all of these systems collectively.